Friday, August 29, 2008

Gilbarco Spa success case: In Scrum We Learn

During 2007-2008 Gilbarco SpA has benefited from the experience of the Scrum Training and Coaching offered by mondora SpA. Scrum and the Agile Approach expressed during these sessions strongly motivate project and development staff to stay committed to their objectives, improving quality and saving effort. Knowledge has been spread throughout the team avoiding specialty gatekeepers and promoting the culture of continual learning from mistakes made. This is where the Software Department of Gilbarco SpA is now going and how it is approaching its development work, iteration over iteration. From the start, adopting and adapting Scrum to its enterprise culture development staff management are already learning from the mistakes and making the entire development process more efficient and scalable. Currently there are 8 teams running and collecting experience from more than 40 Sprints of history (as Gilbarco says In Scrum We’ll Earn).